Well, I thought I was well on the road to recovery. Got in a couple of rounds of golf last week, was taking long walks and was pretty much back to "normal". I had a really itchy surgery site which my Dr. was watching. I had declared March "cancer free" -- I was really tired of talking about it. Last week, (I had decided the previous week,) was going to be "doctor free". We had our good friends here from Austria and I just wanted a week not trekking to Marin or SF for doctors or infusions. On Friday I saw that I was in trouble--went to SF with Tom to see my Plastic Surgeon and ended up in the ER! and was admitted to PCMC with cellulitis. IV antibiotics were prescribed , but since it was somewhat out of hand it took until Tuesday night to get sprung from the hospital. I quickly went from golf to "pole dancing". My goal was to get to the bathroom without banging into everything in my path as I pushed my pole along. That was my amusement, but as I shuffled along, I really felt like an old lady.
Food was very good, nursing staff was great--only got one wrong dose of medication--scary. Since I wasn't "sick" I was free to get up and walk around. Boring. Read every Bon Appetit and Food and Wine that had been sitting around for ages. I knew it was time to leave the hospital when I read a House Beautiful from 2011 twice!
So, back home where T & I hook me up twice a day to my IV antibiotics having been trained by nurse Judy, my home nurse. I hope to be on oral meds by next Wednesday since I have a "carrot"dangling of going to Scottsdale with girlfriends to play golf on the 1st. I'm so ready to get out of here.
Off to SF for Dr.'s apt today and then infusion in Marin. I think the news will all be good. Thank you for your prayers and concern. L, N.
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